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Mothers Ayekoo


She has the strength of ten thousand soldiers

She hardly sleeps but yet still she is able to take care of everyone and herself

She is a superwoman

She works multiple jobs but still a manager at home

She's multi talented and fun to be with

Her cooking is like no other 

The little she gets she till shares it among her children

She sacrifices alot 

She feels pain and hurt sometimes but you will never see the signs

She always wants the best for her family so she never settles for laziness, indiscipline and rudeness

She extends her motherly love everywhere she goes

Her love is infectious

She never stops doing her best even if it will cost her 

She's the Yaa Asantewaa of our time

She's strong willed and never will allow any distraction in her home

She uses the word of God to fight her battles at home because she acts as a guardian 

Without her, nothing works

Without her, the home will be in chaos and in a mess

With just a sign with her eye, you know what she means 

She never repeats herself twice 

She's loving, caring and has a big heart

The love of a mother is beyond words

I say congratulations to all mothers 

I say congratulations to all potential mothers

We love you to bits and we love the things you do for us day in and day out

We appreciate you so much

Happy Mother's day💕💕💕💕💕


PEACE!!!          SHALOM!!!


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