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A view on Marriage Pt.2


I was having a discussion about marriage with a friend. He told me he is afraid of getting married because of the things that has been happening in our society. 

According to him he does not understand why someone will get married and later get divorced after so many years. He also doesn't understand why someone will pretend in a relationship and when they get married they show their real traits. Hmmm.... disheartening right?

Many ladies today are dating rich men no matter the age just because of money. Some say is love but who are you to argue. Hmmm..

Many men today are now dating sugar mummies just because of money. Hmm...

Marriage is not a money transaction. I remember when I was in the university, I would  hear some of my classmates who were females say I want a rich man who will cater for me so that I can just sit down at home and do nothing. When I heard that I just looked at them and went back to what I was doing. After all the school fees, the job experiences, skills you've acquired and you sit on that at home?aaaahhhhbaahh....where is yourself worth?

Getting married to these rich men is never rosy. They just show what people want to see on social media but in real life that's not what is going on. 

Some of these rich men are always busy and they never get time to be with their wives.

Others are just so controlling and manipulative. You are just a trophy to them nothing else.

Some are women beaters, abusers, womanizers etc. There's no peace in the home and you have no say because you have sold your value to money.

Money is good but be mindful. Hmmm....

The fact that everyone is getting married doesn't mean you should too. Your time will come. 

Seek the face of the Lord and he will give you yours.

Marriage is not an easy journey so before you go into it, work on yourself, prepare yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and psychologically. 

Getting married to someone is not all about beauty or how much money the person has but how best you can love, support, tolerate and grow with each other for that long.

Bare in mind "Marriage is not a bed of roses, it takes time to adjust and live in it.

Always remember "before you get married ask yourself am I ready for this, if not please do not embark on the journey".


PEACE!!!!            SHALOM!!!


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