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Defrauding gone wrong will one day be your headline!!!

 Of late people have been personating themselves to be people that they are not.

Recently, I had a message from a minister on LinkedIn and he was telling me about what the New Patriotic Party is doing to get all unemployed people employed but the way he was talking you would clearly know that this person is fake. This same thing happened to my friend as well and she also quickly knew this person was a fraudster because of the kinds of questions the person was asking.

People are using celebrities pictures to scam and defraud people. 

Others are even telling stories that will easily  convince you so that you can either do something for them or you send them money.

Some too are on those buy and sell platforms such as jiji, EBay, tonaton etc. defrauding people.

There are some who have taken it upon themselves to go into mobile money defrauding business. Taking people's hard earned money from their Mobile money wallet. This thing happened to my mother some time ago and it was really heartbreaking. She had 2,500ghc in her Mobile money wallet and they took everything. MTN said there was nothing they could do about it but she should just change her Mobile Money pin.hmmm....

These things that you are doing, do you really think you will go scot-free? won't

Remember karma is a bad bitch. You will surely reap what you sow.

These acts are very wrong and indulging in them will only put you into a bigger problem one day.

Discard from it before it's too late.

Always remember "Good name is always better than riches".

If you've suffered such predicaments I will like you to share your story with us in the comments below. 😊

PEACE!!!           SHALOM!!!


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