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A view on Marriage


I am not married yet but with the things I have been told by married people, from television, radio and the internet I know I can give my opinion about it.

Marriage is a union between two people. It is a divine institution created by God. "A man shall leave his mother and father and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh".

Many times when two people meet they don't take their time to know themselves well for eg; background, business, take on finances and children, responsibilities etc. Some of this things are very vital and you should know. If they rush through it without the necessary information they sometimes end up quitting  the marriage.

When two lovely couples stand in front of the alter to say their 'I dos' what they sometimes mean is 'I'll try' but they forget that this is not an exam you are trying your hands on rather it is a long term commitment you are making to your significant other, someone you love. Mean the words you say because it is 'till death do you part'. If you are not ready please do not embark on this journey.

Other times people are too desperate to settle down because their biological clock is ticking or pressure from family and friends which most times end up tragically.

Marriage is a beautiful thing God created because His word said "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from God". Anyone who gets married must be happy.

Marriage is about compromising, honesty and trust. You should learn to do these things effortlessly.

Some people also find it difficult to adapt in their new environment but they should learn to adapt because now you are one and there should be no privacy between you. Keep no secrets from each other. Secrets ruin marriage so be truthful at all times.

Treat your wife as a queen and your husband as a king. Let him feel like he is the boss. Be submissive to him. Submission does not make you weak but rather strong. It means you consider him the 'head of the home'

Husbands respect your wives, that doesn't make you weak either but rather it shows how much you love your wife like 'Christ loved the church'.

Do not allow a third party into your marital problems. It ruins everything rather discuss it together and offer solutions to it. If it becomes too difficult to solve the issue take it to God in prayer and he will give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding to deal with it.

Do not entertain family members/friends for too long in your home. It does not help. You are married and you need your privacy.

Making time for each other is a top priority. Time, attention and affection matter alot in marriage. It creates a bond between you two;  hence do not bring extra work home. Home is for the family, leave that in the office.


                  WATCH OUT FOR PART 2

Always remember " Happy Wife, Happy Life"


PEACE!!!!           SHALOM!!!


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