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Better Ep. 20

 Adel and her boss was in the car heading back to the office.

"Don't forget to sort the pictures out and edit each one of them and then prepare the document that I sent to you this morning since the weekend is almost here" Mr. Maurice said

"Yes sir, I will do that immediately we get to the office" Adel said politely

Meanwhile Lawrence was in the office thinking of how he was going to profess his love to Adel. 

"How am I going to tell her. I know I haven't known her for long but anytime I meet her I feel at peace and am happy. I really want her to be mine". Lawrence thought

Adel and her boss got back to the office. She immediately went to her desk and started working on the things her boss had instructed her to do.

At the meantime, Stephanie was at home cooking some jollof rice with chicken and listening to her favourite playlist.

"This weekend has to be fun. Staying at home all the time is getting boring. I hope Adel brings up something we can do" Stephanie thought

"Adel take these documents to the HR Manager" Maurice said

"Yes sir" Adel said

Adel hurried out and accidentally bombed into Lawrence.

"Oh am so sorry" Adel said 

"Don't worry, I wasn't looking either. Can I please talk to you?" Lawrence said

"Am heading to HR. Am in a hurry. I have a lot of things am doing" Adel said looking at him

"It won't take your time please. Just a few minutes of your time". Lawrence said gently

"Okay, am all ears". Adel said

"Well, I am ..........."

"Sorry, I have to pick this call" Adel interrupted him

"Hello Madam, you have to come to St. Patrick Hospital now. There's an emergency". Said the caller

"What....wha....Whattttt!!!!!!" Adel kept stammering and so confused

                WATCH OUT FOR SEASON 2


PEACE!!!                 SHALOM!!!


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