Looking at this blog shows me how far I have come. All thanks to my brother who introduced me to this site.
In the beginning I took it as a hobby because writing is something I do almost everyday and it comes natural to me.
I never knew it would come this far. Its been 5 years since I started this blog and the journey has been very amazing.
They've been days where I had absolutely nothing to write and I had to sit down hours just to write something meaningful that would encourage someone out there.
Anytime I don't write something, I feel really bad because I feel people are depending on my blog.
Having the opportunity to encourage and motivate people out there gives me joy and I love doing it. I wish I could get people telling me how they feel when they read my blog. That will be so nice.
I really appreciate all my viewers and subscribers. Am overwhelmed by your presence on my blog, without you guys this blog wouldn't go anywhere so am really thankful for you being part of the family. I am blessed to have you guys. You guys rock
Thank you once again.