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Better Ep 19

 "The weekend is approaching and I have to find something fun to do than sitting here and thinking of Dallas's death" Stephanie thought

Meanwhile Adel and her boss was still at the program. One of the guest speakers stood up to talk about certain things surrounding Marketing.

"Good afternoon everyone and I know marketing has been locked in your mind right now because we keep repeating it over and over again. Nonetheless, Marketing is very important in every company and doing it right can earn you alot of income and customers. 

One thing about Marketing is that you have to know your target market and the kind of products you are going to sell to these people.

You have to create a product that is unique and people will have the need for it and it also has to be in the range of your target market. Make sure your product is so unique that it cannot be found anywhere and is also quality with a good packaging. Everything centres around on how best you can get them on the market and that is where social media comes in.  Using the right apps, getting a graphic designer to get a nice template made for you; something really catchy and making your page presentable and also running ads that will push your business. I will leave the running ads to the next speaker to speak on. Thank you".

Everyone loved her presentation and it was now time for lunch break. There was a buffet served outside the auditorium from foods like plain rice, jollof rice, red red, beans, waakye, light soup to desserts such as cupcakes, chocolate mousse, fruit salad, cookies and biscuits.

Everyone just joined a queue to have their turn.

"Adel where are you going" Mr. Maurice asked

"Sorry Sir, I have a phone call. I will just answer it and come back." Adel said pleading

"Do that quickly because we will be leaving soon" Mr. Maurice retorted

"Yes sir, I will be right back". Adel said and left

"Hello Stephanie, before you say anything can we talk later. I am at a program with my boss so please pardon me. I will certainly call you when I get home okay please." Adel said gently

"Okay dear, I will be expecting your call. Have a good one then bye" Stephanie said 

          TO BE CONTINUED!!!


PEACE!!!                  SHALOM!!!


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