"We have to do this fast and clean. No more mistakes. Just do this shit and be done with it". said one of the Assassins
Meanwhile Adel was driving from work to Stephanie's house. She got there in 45 mins. Stephanie immediately filled her in and Adel just couldn't understand it
" What if Dallas was shot by someone who he has been messing with" said Adel
" Well it could be but who could this person be?". Stephanie said looking at Adel
"This incident is too sudden. After you found out that he has been sleeping with someone else and suddenly this happens". Adel retorted
"Hmmm.....that's coincidental but I don't think she would do that. She is too smart to that for her to use as a cover, she won't stoop so low" Stephanie said standing
"You have a point there but you can't be so sure. I think the police has to know". Adel said
"No! I don't to be involved in this mess. I have my business to deal with and I don't want any negative energy. The police might even think it was me since he broke up with me and I did this for revenge. I don't want all of that energy". Stephanie said whiles grabbing water from the fridge
"You are right. Just go about your business and let him take care of himself at least you did your part taking him to the hospital". Adel retorted
"Yeah, enough of this talk, I need to get dinner, shower and sleep." Stephanie said
"Okay dear, I have to be going. I have an early day tomorrow. Take care of yourself. Bye". Adel said hugging her and she left.