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Showing posts from August, 2021

Time wasters

  Love is a beautiful thing No doubt about that But don't tolerate time wasters People who come into your life to just waste your time People that won't offer you anything They just want a relationship with you for their own benefits Playing mind games and being selfish They only think about themselves and no one else Don't allow such people into your life They have nothing to offer you They are just there to block your happiness  Don't allow love blind you Let them go Always remember "Time is valuable so pointless relationships aren't needed." #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!         SHALOM!!!

Use it

 Embrace yourself to new ideas Allow yourself to explore Go on an adventure with your imagination Big dreams are possible Forget about the naysayers And start building that foundation Start digging Start planting  Layout the ideas  Let your creativity flow Do something unique And let the final piece be mind-blowing You are capable of doing anything  If you put your mind to it Never forget that Always remember " Everyone's gift is unique. Don't forget to use yours" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                 SHALOM!!!


  Looking at this blog shows me how far I have come. All thanks to my brother who introduced me to this site.  In the beginning I took it as a hobby because writing is something I do almost everyday and it comes natural to me. I never knew it would come this far. Its been 5 years since I started this blog and the journey has been very amazing. They've been days where I had absolutely nothing to write and I had to sit down hours just to  write something meaningful that would encourage someone out there.  Anytime I don't write something, I feel really bad because I feel people are depending on my blog. Having the opportunity to encourage and motivate people out there gives me joy and I love doing it. I wish I could get people telling me how they feel when they read my blog. That will be so nice. I really appreciate all my viewers and subscribers. Am overwhelmed by your presence on my blog, without you guys this blog wouldn't go anywhere so am really thankful for you being par


  Don't be in a rush in life Everyone's timing is different Someone's own is now Yours will be later That is how God planned it And he knows best God's plans for you are not to harm you but to prosper you  Your season is here  Never lose your faith  Keep believing and hoping  Continue doing that business I know is not doing well But don't let that discourage you God has seen it all And definitely knows what He is doing  You are going to have a testimony like no other  Just in time and everyone around you will be shocked to see God's abundant favour upon your life Don't quit just yet  Keep thriving God has got you covered Always remember "Your labour will never be in vain" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!!                    SHALOM!!!


 One thing my mum taught me was budgeting. Everytime I have to do grocery shopping, I make a list of the things I am going to buy and I make sure the things on my list are things that is a must to get. That way you save money. When you go to the shop to buy without a list, you realize that you are moved to buy certain things that wasn't on your mind and later when you get home you ask yourself why did I buy these unnecessary things. Budget helps you plan, save and it doesn't allow you buy something you don't need. No matter how much money you have, budget is important. The fact that you are rich doesn't mean you have to spend anyhow. Start budgeting now. Always remember "Budget is the first step towards financial freedom" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!!                    SHALOM!!!

Violence in Relationships

 Let's have a talk. Shall we? Good.  Violence is a very bad thing in relationships both ways; wether it's from the man or the woman is never right. No one deserves to be beaten in any relationship. That is absurd and very unnecessary.  When you realize this kind of treatment in your relationship please break up with the person is not worth it. He or she is not the one for you. The person never loved you in the first place. I know some people will say I will pray to God to change him. I am not saying prayer is bad  but the same God that taught us about prayer also taught about being wise in situations like this so the best thing to do in this situation is break up with the person and leave than for you to end up lifeless.  You have a bright future ahead of you and you wouldn't want to die now because of this. Violence is a no no no and these people that do it do not have a heart or conscience. They just do it and they enjoy it so mind you, you cannot change someone like that

Better Ep. 20

 Adel and her boss was in the car heading back to the office. "Don't forget to sort the pictures out and edit each one of them and then prepare the document that I sent to you this morning since the weekend is almost here" Mr. Maurice said "Yes sir, I will do that immediately we get to the office" Adel said politely Meanwhile Lawrence was in the office thinking of how he was going to profess his love to Adel.  "How am I going to tell her. I know I haven't known her for long but anytime I meet her I feel at peace and am happy. I really want her to be mine". Lawrence thought Adel and her boss got back to the office. She immediately went to her desk and started working on the things her boss had instructed her to do. At the meantime, Stephanie was at home cooking some jollof rice with chicken and listening to her favourite playlist. "This weekend has to be fun. Staying at home all the time is getting boring. I hope Adel brings up something we can

Better Ep 19

 "The weekend is approaching and I have to find something fun to do than sitting here and thinking of Dallas's death" Stephanie thought Meanwhile Adel and her boss was still at the program. One of the guest speakers stood up to talk about certain things surrounding Marketing. "Good afternoon everyone and I know marketing has been locked in your mind right now because we keep repeating it over and over again. Nonetheless, Marketing is very important in every company and doing it right can earn you alot of income and customers.  One thing about Marketing is that you have to know your target market and the kind of products you are going to sell to these people. You have to create a product that is unique and people will have the need for it and it also has to be in the range of your target market. Make sure your product is so unique that it cannot be found anywhere and is also quality with a good packaging. Everything centres around on how best you can get them on the m

Better Episode 18

 "Since the honeymoon is over. I will have to start work on Monday and you will have to quit your job and think of a business you can start and I will surely do that for you" Said Mr. Bradford "But why do you want me to quit my job now and besides I love what I do. Working at the bank can be sometimes stressful but I just enjoy it and I don't see myself quitting anytime soon" Mrs Bradford retorted "I know you love your job and I understand but when we start having babies both of us will be too busy to take care of them and I don't want any house help taking care of our kids. I want you to be the one to take care of their every need. The maid can only take care of the cleaning aspect and that's all. Please see reason with me" Mr. Bradford said gently "I understand what you are saying but certainly not now. I will quit when that time is approaching but for now I will work at the bank and resign later please" Mrs. Bradford retorted "

Better Ep 17

 "I don't think I will be going to the hospital. After all I did my bit and am not his relative. why should I worry myself. Abeg! Abeg! Let me think  he can die for all I care" Stephanie thought Meanwhile Adel was at a program with his boss. The program was centred on marketing.  The panels talked about how marketing is important in growing any kind of brand and the right way to go about it. Alot of people attended this program. The youth especially. Everyone wanted to know how to do that effectively and efficiently so everyone listened with rapt attention. "How did you people succeed with Dallas death because I thought it was impossible. With the way the nurses kept coming to his ward every minute". one assassin said  "We always have our ways and we needed to be smart with this one. I didn't want the General to have us for dinner so I had to implement the invisible man. I had to study how long the nurses stayed and what they were wearing and also what

Be happy

 Be happy regardless Tomorrow is not assured  So live today like is your last Happiness is key Do things that make you smile And keep your energies rising I mean the good ones And don't forget to surround yourself with people who make you smile all the time and bring you positive energy Be happy always and don't let society control you Society will always talk so be blinded by what they say or do  Keep going for happiness no matter what Your mental health is important so do whatever makes you happy but don't put yourself in harm's way Happiness all the way #Happinesssquad Always remember "Happiness is everything" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!            SHALOM!!!

Better Ep 16

 "General, please the job is done. No traces. It was a clean job". said the Assassins "Good job, well done. Here's your money. I don't want to set my eyes on you guys" The General warned "You don't have a problem" said the Assassins "Hello Stephanie, Dallas is dead. Am so sorry" said the doctor "How did it happen? I thought you said he was going to be okay for a few days" Stephanie said shouting "We got to his bed said and we realized he was jerking up and down and suddenly he stopped and that was it. I really don't know how it happened but his vitals was okay earlier" said the doctor " I will come by the hospital so that we can talk." said Stephanie "Okay will be expecting you bye" The doctor said               TO BE CONTINUED!!! #Positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                      SHALOM!!!

Better Ep 15

 The Bradfords entered into the shower and Seth was all over his wife. They had a very passionate kiss whiles they were in the Jacuzzi. He caressed her with his fingers from her hair down to her legs and she was moaning whiles he was breathing down her neck. He slowly carried her from the Jacuzzi cleaned her with a clean towel and slowly laid her on the bed. He made sure she was comfortable and give her a nice massage on her body and she enjoyed it so well. He later opened her legs and just gave her p***y a massage with his lips and tongue and she moaned so hard. He gently drew near to whisper into her ears "Am going to take care of you". She whispered to his ears and said slowly "Am all yours papi" He smiled at her and gave her a deep kiss and squeezed her breasts slowly. He went back down and sucked up all the juices. Meanwhile, The Assassins were taking note of every detail in the hospital. They were making sure no traces.  "Madam, madam!!! Are you okay? The

Keep believing in HIM

  We go through trials and temptations just so that God can manifest his glory and his power. We serve an amazing God and we must know the God that we worship. He doesn't do small things but big things only. He doesn't go through your timing but his. He just doesn't do ordinary things but extraordinary things. We as believers must show non-believers how big our God is and draw them closer to him. Never be too scared to talk about God in any given opportunity you get. He is your God and there's no shame in that. God is never ashamed to call you his son or daughter so never be too ashamed to showcase who he is. Everything He does is in his plans. He doesn't do mistakes. Everything he does is for a reason. Never stop praising and worshipping him in everything you do.  Keep believing and trusting in God for he never stops loving you. Always remember "God is always good and his mercies endures forever" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                     SHALOM!!!

Better Ep. 14

 "We have to be careful the hospital has CCTV cameras everywhere except for the toilets and store rooms" said one of the Assassins "Good we have this info, we will incorporate this in our plan and find ways to figure it out. We have to be fast about it before General gives us a call" said another The Assassins sat down and started developing their plan. They made sure it was perfect because they couldn't bare to deal with any mistakes again. Meanwhile Stephanie was in bed thinking of what Adel said. "She has a point tho but I wouldn't want to be found wanting" Stephanie thought Finally we are here. Home sweet home.  "I need a warm shower" Mrs. Bradford said "Let me join you" Mr. Bradford retorted "No silly thoughts" Mrs. Bradford warned "Hmmm, let's see" Mr. Bradford said smiling                       To be  continued!!! #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                   SHALOM!!!

Better Ep. 13

 Mr and Mrs Bradford were in the plane very exhausted after all the waiting. They ordered some water to cool off. Meanwhile, the Assassins were finding a way to kill Dallas at the hospital without any traces. They sat down and drafted a plan on how everything was going to go down. "Leslie!! What are you doing here. You never told me you were coming" said Adel trying to open her door "Am so sorry, I had to come here for some money. I need to pay for some books and my provisions are finished". Leslie said whiles entering into the room "Ah Leslie, I just gave you money not long ago and you are here to collect more? Do you think I plug money from trees? Am just trying my best to work hard and live a comfortable life" Adel said plainly "I know sis but you know how uni is. There's alot of expenses please help me. You know you are the only one who can help me. Mum is retired" Leslie said pleading "Leslie, you are a man and you must learn how to

Better Ep. 12

 "We have to do this fast and clean. No more mistakes. Just do this shit and be done with it". said one of the Assassins Meanwhile Adel was driving from work to Stephanie's house. She got there in 45 mins. Stephanie immediately filled her in and Adel just couldn't understand it " What if Dallas was shot by someone who he has been messing with"  said Adel " Well it could be but who could this person be?". Stephanie said looking at Adel "This incident is too sudden. After you found out that he has been sleeping with someone else and suddenly this happens". Adel retorted "Hmmm.....that's coincidental but I don't think she would do that. She is too smart to that for her to use as a cover, she won't stoop so low" Stephanie said standing "You have a point there but you can't be so sure. I think the police has to know". Adel said "No! I don't to be involved in this mess. I have my business to deal wit

Better Ep. 11

 "What did I tell you when I gave you this assignment" The General questioned "You said we shouldn't make any mistakes" One of the assassin's said "You guys made a huge mistake. The guy is still alive and breathing in an hospital bed as we speak. Do you want to be killed because it won't take me long to just finish you guys and you know that". said the General angrily "Sorry General, it won't happen again. We will do a clean job. We are so sorry". said the Assassins "Stop being sorry and do the damn job right. I am giving you guys a second chance and I never give second chances so you better do this one with no mistakes otherwise your heads will be in a sac". The General warned "Yes General, Right away". said the Assassins The General gave them the latest information and they went away.                   To be continued!!! #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                    SHALOM!!!

Better Ep. 10

 "Adel you won't believe what happened infront of my office today?" Stephanie said on the phone "What the hell happened?" Adel asked "Dallas was shot right infront of my boutique" Stephanie retorted "Whhaaaatttt! Is he okay? Did you call the police or anything?" Adel asked "I have to go now, I have a customer in my shop. I think you should stop by the house so we can continue the conversation". Stephanie said "Okay Steph, no problem. I will be there after work. Take good care of yourself and I will see you soon". Adel said "Take care too, bye". Stephanie retorted Adel decided to get something to eat at a cafeteria near by. "Hi Adel, we meet again". Said Lawrence "Do you always come here or you are stalking me" said Adel "Maybe I am" Lawrence said laughing "Seriously??" Adel said  "Don't mind me, am just kidding". Lawrence said smiling Lawrence and Adel got a t