In this day and age everyone is on social media. You could have more than four handles or less.
Is just the time we are in. Technology is advancing. Everything happens on social media.
Some days ago I was watching a program and this topic was discussed "Is social media doing more evil than good?"
Well this is a good question. Social media for me is a place where I go to get information on certain things. It really helps me alot.
Twitter gives me all that is happening in the news and what is trending.
Instagram teaches me new ways to do things, uplifts my soul and also updates me on new events.
Tick-tock teaches me life hacks and tricks on how to take beautiful pictures with your phone and also websites that help you to learn Different things etc.
I don't know about you but if anyone should ask me this question I will boldly tell the person is helping me in so many ways that I don't see the negative.
To top it off let social media influence you positively but if you don't find the positivesb, the one to share those positive sides and influence people through that.
Let me know in the comments below your take on social media. I will really love to know.
Always remember "Take the positives and discard the negatives".