Chalewote Festival is an event where arts and culture are showcased. Both local and international arts are also seen. It is mostly done in the month of August at Jamestown and people from far and wide come to experience this amazing festival.
The event takes 3 days and it has a variety of activities lined up such as parades, music concerts, exhibitions etc.
The fashion sense of people during this event is sick. colourful and out of this world.
There are also lots of different local drinks and foods and continental too been sold.There's always lots of fun. Meeting up with friends and family and also making new acquaintances.
If you are a foreigner and you really want to have a feel of something different then don't forget to book a flight to Ghana to experience this event.
I hope amidst everything going on this year, it would be exciting with lots of packed activities.
I can't wait and I hope you can't too.