Alot has been going on, on social media and the latest is money rituals. really something.
Sometimes I ask myself what will make someone want to go into money rituals. Is it peer pressure, desperation, enviness, jealousy, frustration, get money quick syndrome or financial crises.
Before someone will think of this, why not think about the disadvantages or should I say consequences that come with it.
Remember All that glitters is not gold. This way of getting money is bad. It can even land you to your grave quickly than you expected because when the devil gives you something he always asks for something that will cause you a lot of pain.
Think twice before you act. Life is beautiful and definitely your time will come just be a little patient because God is working behind the scenes in your favour. Don't be in a rash because when God gives you something He doesn't add any sorrow to it.
Always remember slow and steady wins the race.