Being with the one you love is a beautiful thing. Especially when the chemistry between both of you is magical.
Of late people enter into relationships because of material gains, loneliness, desperation, frustration, infatuation, lust and what have you. Hmmm.....
I don't understand why when a lady is dating a guy, she expects the guy to cater for her needs like buying her expensive clothes, shoes, bags, wigs etc. Anytime I talk about this I begin to laugh because is funny to me.
What you have to know is that the guy is not your ATM and he is not oblige to take care of your needs. That is not his place. He is not married to you for Christ sake. If he wants to cater for your needs that's fine but YOU CAN'T FORCE HIM TO.
Let me ask this when you weren't dating this guy, where you not coping? Where you not taking care of your needs yourself? Learn to be independent ladies. No man wants to date a liability.
For the men if you are dating a lady, the lady is not mandated to cook, clean, wash and have sex. You are not married to her so you have no right to demand these. Unless the lady want to do these things for you. YOU CANNOT FORCE HER.
Men are becoming smart using MARRIAGE as a cover up to lure women to do their bidding because they've realized that, that's what women are after. When in truth, they are not ready to settle.
Women stick to your values and principles so that these men can respect you. Sleeping in his house, having sex with him and taking care of him as a wife does is very bad. He takes those things for granted and he ends up marrying someone else.
Let him make an honorary woman out of you by making you his wife and mother of his children. That will bring honour to you and your family. THAT IS HOW GOD INTENDED IT TO BE.
Always remember "BE A VIRTUOUS WOMAN AND for the guys, BE A GODLY MAN".