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 Sometimes I wonder why people are so mean when they hold higher positions and they see the next person to be inferior to them.

Sometimes I wonder why people can underestimate what people can really do and achieve.

Let me tell you a story. I hope you are listening. When I was in high school my sitting partner always underestimated me just because she thought she was better than me.  I hated that feeling and it was really bad but I always told myself I was better than what she thought of me.

In the same high school I had a French teacher who was a discriminator in the class. He was always focused on the ones that knew the subject and never concentrated on the ones that didn't know. I really felt bad because of that. I was struggling to understand the subject and how to read and write it when we had oral french.

Within that time Nov/Dec was approaching so I decided to try my hands on it before writing WASSCE. WASSCE is an exam where all senior high schools in West Africa write before they graduate from school.  So what I did was I told my mom to get me a French tutor at home who will teach me so that I can pass the exam. Can you believe that both tutors where using the same book. Long story short I ended up getting better and I passed the exam with a B. So with this what exactly was my french teacher at school doing? He was just doing a shoddy job and was still getting his salary. That must stop.

Nobody can stop anybody's shine. No matter who you are. Respect everyone because respect is essential in life whether young or old. 

The fact that you are in a higher position than the person doesn't mean that you should disrespect the person or talk trash to the person. Being tough in business is great because is necessary but not being rude and overbearing just because you are the CEO, head of a department or a older staff. That's very bad.

A true Leader is one who respects and sees everyone as equal. He gives room for people to grow and bring ideas to the table. He never compromises on the betterment of his staff. 

He is an exceptional role model to all the staff.



PEACE!!!          SHALOM!!!


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