You are a fighter
You are a conqueror
You are a survivor
You are brave
You are bold
You are beautiful
You are exceptionally unique
You are a mother
You are a father
You are sometimes quick tempered
You are sometimes afraid
You are sometimes quick to judge
All these things show that we are human and as time goes on some of these things and more will pop up as we go through life
Apologize when you have to
Smile when you have to
Go out and hangout with friends when you have to
Scream out loud when you have to
Have your alone time when you have to
Go crazy when you have to
Dance when you have to
Don't shy away from these things or shun life
You are here for a reason
Don't get too moody or too serious over anything
People will always talk about the things you do whether good or bad
So what
Forget them
After all what do they do for you, absolutely nothing
Enjoy the life God has given you
and leave the riffraff to handle their business