Bullying, bulling, bulling i hear this word all the time whether in school, at the work place, among groups, social media etc.
Bullying by now should be a thing of the past since we are in a civilized world but is a pity this word is everywhere even in the so called "advanced world".
Why do they enjoy making people miserable? Why do they always say nasty things making them feel less of a human being? Are you a victim of such? Then this is the time to fight back. Let them know that you're strong, bold and fearless.
You have something they don't have that is why they do that to you. They can't comprehend why you have such a brain and they don't. They don't understand that your beauty is so flawless that everything you wear looks good on you etc. That is the reason why they will do that to you.
When they begin to do that, just look at them and smile. When they try to say more foul things to you tell them something sensible that will keep them thinking for a long time. If they try to beat you up or threaten you dangerously just let your guardian, parent or someone you think can deal with the issue.
Never allow anyone bully you. Voice out when you are been bullied. Most people suffer because they don't voice out and that is very bad. This will only allow them to continue their bullying antics.
Please voice out if you are a victim and help stop bullying.
#helpstopbullying #stopbullying #Peace #Shalom