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I don't know what to talk about but I can't leave my viewers with nothing although i did that yesterday. My apologies.

Something just came to mind and I think i have to talk about it. Why do people live fake lives? Am asking ,why? Is a big shame you know.  When a very pretty lady or handsome guy living a false life, all in the name of living big and showing your friends you have it all. When actually you don't.

You rather live in a small house and you literally beg to survive. Oh why!!! Your parents are investing in your future but you come to school to sleep around and do other absurd things just to live up to that name. they saying they have traveled to all parts of the world, did their masters in Oxford University with a first class degree etc. Those people you are competing with so bad, are you sure they are telling you the truth. Do you know where they stay? Looks they say are deceptive so mind you think hard and don't follow blindly.

Living a false life will do you no good but rather bring you problems. The right people you will meet that will see you as a good person and will like you, will end up hating you for making them believe in a lie which is very bad cos that person may even turn out to be your messiah who will change your entire world for good and then you will miss it.

Most at times in life, those that live a false life always end up with their kind which even makes it very do me, I do you....Enough of the laughter, it is really serious.

I always say that those that do this can really kill cos if a friend who wants to have what you have with the way you boast, will also do whatever it takes just to be twice as much as you which in the process can lead to so many she/ he being used for rituals etc, What will you have achieved?

When all your life you can work hard and get all the things you dream of having. There's no shortcut in life and living a false life will only bring you disgrace. So please stop!!!!

Be you...Know where you come from.....Walk with pride and aim high. Know why you are here and leave the wannabes to live their fake lives.


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