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Are you on a journey?

 I am on a journey, I know what I want but I don't know what lies ahead of me. I am hopeful because I have a God, He's got me covered 24/7. He does not sleep nor slumber. The fact that He is in my life does not mean I will have it easy but I know He's got my back and He won't allow any harm come to me. The devil is scared of me because of that so he will try to instill fear in me so that I will get anxious but NO! The Bible makes me under in 2Tim. 1:7 which states that "For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind" so fear has no place in my life.

I know everyone is on a journey of some sought. Working towards your dreams, goals, etc. Sometimes is not easy and you start to overthink about what is before you whether to go with it or not. Sometimes it's difficult to keep being hopeful and very optimistic. I know that feeling. We are humans and sometimes these things get the better part of us. We shouldn't be shaken by what we go through but always have faith and believe everything is working together for our good. 

Anytime we feel overwhelmed by our problems, I want you to talk to God and surrender your  problems to him and he will take care of it. 




PEACE!!!          SHALOM!!!


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