Hello wonderful people I greet you all.................well this subject has been talked a lot all over the world and that is "CHILD MARRIAGE". I wouldn't bore you with percentages and researchers but i will tell you what i think and you are to do yours when you are done reading. Everyone has an opinion right?
Child Marriages for me is not a good thing at all where young girls are given away in marriage for some sort of wealth or some barbaric tradition. Wake up guys this is not the ancient times, we are in the modern world and things should be done as such. We should stop practicing these things because you are killing our girls both physically and mentally. They are our girls, our future.........
These girls are not ready for marriage but you force them into it for your own selfish gains which is not right and who said if you don't follow some kind of tradition you are going to die or something more worse is going to happen to you and your family? All these things are lies, they are not true, stop believing in it and change things. In marriage you have to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready for it. They are just minors who know absolutely nothing about it. Just take them to school so that they can learn and acquire knowledge or enroll them in a vocational job so that they can be fruitful to themselves and the society. Whenever they are ready to get married they are free to do so.
Stop child marriages...........Give them books not husbands..........Be the voice and help stop this act
love u all............muuaahhhh and stay blessed