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Showing posts from November, 2021

Postpartum Depression

 It's been like a minute since I was last here. It's been a very busy time for me so please pardon me. Life is a mystery; sometimes the kind of things that you encounter through it makes it incomprehensible but we still try our best to make meaning of whatever we go through Let's have a chit chat shall we? Have you heard about postpartum depression? Is something that mothers go through after childbirth. They become overly overwhelmed They feel their child is not theirs They feel the child is cursed They feel the child has no connection with them They feel they are not good mothers and so on  These are few things that they go through Going through pregnancy is not an easy thing and the after birth is not easy either Sometimes people feel as a woman, you have to be fine after the delivery but it's sometimes difficult There are some mothers out there that are finding it very difficult but no one talks about it The only thing we see on social media is the pre photo of the m...

Suicidal Thoughts

 Let's have a chat about suicidal thoughts.  Sometimes when everything comes down to a halt, you feel like you are a failure or you are just not good enough Because everyone has failed you, neglected you and abandoned you So you think of killing yourself  Don't do it.  Failure is good and it helps you to try other options so that you don't repeat those mistakes anymore. Embrace failure with a new mindset See it as something that pushes you out of your limits  And stop thinking of killing yourself, that thought alone shows how weak you are You have to stand tall amidst challenges and struggles Never doubt yourself because you can do it YOU ARE A CONQUEROR #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!       SHALOM!!!


 Everyone has a problem. We are all going through something. Nobody has a perfect life so throw the perfection out the window and be yourself You are amazing and unique Nobody can have your finger print that alone should tell you something Don't allow society and social media influence your lifestyle. Be you Don't allow depression take control of you The enemy tries to use that against you and. that makes your mind distorted and confused Which later convinces you that you are not enough and that commiting suicide is the only option. Clear your mind of all your worries Surround yourself with People who love and care for you Go out there enjoy your life Acknowledge how far you've come The things you've achieved The person you've become with all the challenges and struggles you've gone through Don't allow anything or anyone to dim your light You are a bright light. Keep shining Keep soaring Keep being the best version of yourself Always remember "Everyday...

Stop IT

  Money is the root of all evil but it has power. Money provides with the things you need and allows you make things happen which is a good thing but making money a god over your life is a No No. That shouldn't happen We all need money yes but immediately you make it a god over your life greediness, enviness and jealousy sets in. That should stop.  That is why there are so many ritual killings and the like. Please let's stop making money gods over life Always remember "Don't make money an idol" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!              SHALOM!!!