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Showing posts from October, 2021

Your Energy

 Channel your energies to positivity It aids in doing your best each and everyday Having a positive attitude towards your goals helps to always being out your best Don't allow what others say stop you from bringing out your best All of us in this world are Gods and we have authority over everything in this world. The bible says so and if you have that mindset trust me nobody can make you feel less Always remember "Your positive energies connects you to a better direction" #positivevibesonly #PEACE!!!                 SHALOM!!!

Try Something Different

What have you done differently today? Do you repeat the same way you do things? Do you visit the same places everyday? Life is too short to limit yourself to just one thing  I dare you to try something new today  It could be a new recipe, a different cuisine, reading of a magazine or a newspaper instead of social media, go for a long walk etc. Do something you haven't tried before  Having to explore is very good  It allows your mind to imagine, to do critical thinking, to relax and to rejuvenate yourself Try this today and lemme know how it made you feel Always remember "Exploring gives you a sense of imagination and appreciating life". #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                  SHALOM!!!

It takes time

  The clock never stops ticking so why do you stop living The cock never stops crowing every morning so why do you allow yourself to be discouraged God never stops protecting and believing in you so why do you doubt yourself all the time Don't allow people talk you off your dreams, your goals, aspirations etc. Don't stop trying  Even if you fail, don't quit  Keep doing it till you make it It takes time The Lord is your strength Always remember " Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success". #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!                SHALOM!!!

Retune Your MINDSET

  The world was built without sorrow The world was a peaceful place When a baby is born, he or she is filled with kindness, love and purity.  The baby shares that to everyone they come into contact with They see things that we can't see because they are filled with a pure and a clean heart Until they are grown and they explore the world then society feels their heart with lies, pain,hurt and hatred. We as human beings made the world a dark place with our hatred, desperation, jealousy, envy and selfishness. That has to change. We need to retune our minds and restore the universe with light and love. Bringing smiles to people's faces instead of pain, sharing pure love to people instead of hate etc. If this is done, the world will be a better place for all of us. Always remember "RETUNE YOUR MINDSET" #positivevibesonly #retuneyourmind #spreadlightandlove PEACE!!!         SHALOM!!!

Shine Your Eyes

 Not everyone around you want your success. Some people can really pretend so you have to look closely and trust your instincts. Sometimes we neglect our instincts alot and that is the part of us we should really listen to because it helps us to avoid certain mistakes. Be careful of who you tell your deepest thoughts to. Some will listen and just discourage you, some will laugh and tell you, you can't and so on. You know who you are and where you want to be. Shut the world and do you. Whatever they say just don't pay attention to them. You are here for a reason. Follow your passion and you will surely succeed. Shine your eyes and remove the chaff from the wheat. Always remember "A small circle of loyal and true friends is worth more than a bigger one" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!               SHALOM!!!

The Iphone Pressure

  Apple is a brand everyone knows. It is one of the biggest brands across the globe.  Overseas Iphone is seen as a normal phone but here in Ghana it is seen as a luxury brand. Iphone is really expensive here so anytime anyone is able to afford it we see the person as someone who has made in life. Well we know that there is imitation to everything these days so someone may have a phone with an apple behind it but it might not be the original one. hmmm Moreover, anytime a new iphone is out there, there's always pressure on social media. People  are desperate to get it, do anything they can to get it to the extent that some women sleep with older men or men that can afford the luxury brand just to have the newest version. For me I see iphone as a phone. If I get it I will use it but if I don't get it am not worried at all. After all if I get a phone with a quality camera and I can work with it and get certain apps I need, am good. No wahala at all I don't see why there's a...


 What is revenge? Revenge is harming someone because of a wrong done to him or her. I feel revenge is really a waste of time. Well someone would say some scars never fade but I feel when you start this whole revenge process you just give yourself extra work and waste time and money.  It's really not necessary to revenge on anyone. The bible even tells us that "Vengeance is of the Lord's" so why would you want to waste your time. You really don't have to do anything just allow God fight for you and go about your life freely. If you are out there thinking about revenging on anyone then please stop. The scars will not go away when you do and the pain will still be there so at the end of the day what have you achieved? NOTHING! Revenge is a waste of time. Forgive them for you and start afresh and enjoy your life.  Always remember " Life is too short to waste it on revenge" #positivevibesonly PEACE!!!           SHALOM!!!

Talk to HIM

  who do you look up to when you fail? Who do you speak to when all hope is lost? What do you do when the problem is too heavy for you to bear? How do you deal with the problem? I know that atheists will say when we look up and talk to God we are only talking to the ceiling or the wall but accepting Christ is through believing that there's a higher power that protects us Anytime I am in doubt about anything I speak to God about it and it really works for me When I do that, it makes me feel very calm and it feels like my burdens have been lifted off my shoulders It takes grace to be alive and to go through the challenges of life  And whatever goes on around us is indeed very hard to comprehend sometimes so if you don't allow God to intervene on your behalf trust me it will be hard In His word it says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 so if you don't allow him help you how do you do all things? God is always there to help us in...